Characterization of Insoluble Organic Matter from Meteorites Using Advanced Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

PI: Dr. Jingdong Mao, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Rocky Mountain College
Co-PIs:  Dr. Gary Thompson, Rocky Mountain College; Dr. Cristi H. Hunnes, Rocky Mountain College

A detailed understanding of the molecular structure of the insoluble organic matter in meteorites is critical in deciphering the origin and evolution of the solar system.  Unfortunately, the complexity of this organic matter presents difficulties in determining its structure. Solid-state NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy is regarded as the best tool to investigate the structure of this material. However, not applying the full power of this technique may have led to misleading results.  Here we propose to apply new, advanced solid-state NMR techniques, most having been developed by one of our PI�s to investigate the structures of complex terrestrial organic matter, to study its structure because it is similar in complexity and spectral characteristics to some terrestrial organic matter. With these robust techniques, we will be able to distinguish more than 36 different functional groups in this complex insoluble organic matter whereas as reported in the literature, fewer than 10 functional groups have been distinguished by NMR. With spectral editing techniques coupled with reliable quantitative techniques, we can quantify most of the functional groups. In addition, advanced two-dimensional techniques will enable us to detect the connections between different functional groups, and 1H spin diffusion and long-range recoupled dipolar dephasing will allow us to investigate domains and heterogeneities in the organic matter. Based on a method of calculation developed by us, we can produce a structural model for the insoluble organic matter based on the NMR structural information. Such a model could be important in testing different hypotheses for the origin of organic matter found in meteorites.

Contact Information

Mail: Dr. Jingdong Mao
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Rocky Mountain College
Billings, MT 59102
Phone: (406) 238-7379
FAX: Not available

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Updated June 20, 2006