Optical Studies of Solid State Laser Materials

PI: Dr. Rufus Cone, Department of Physics, Montana State University

New and improved solid state laser materials are required for NASA projects. Spectroscopic studies of rare-earth-doped crystals focus on determination of basic properties of these materials and analysis of local atomic-scale crystal structure surrounding so-called point defects and impurities. Defects play a significant role in the optical properties of laser crystals even when they are present at extremely low concentrations; they affect energy efficiency and an catalyze photoinduced degradation of a laser's output during operation.


Contact Information

Mail: Dr. Rufus Cone
Department of Physics
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
E-mail: cone@physics.montana.edu
Phone: (406) 994-6175
FAX: (406) 994-4452

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Updated June 20, 2006