Space After School (SAS) Project

PI: Dr. Tim Slater, Department of Physics, Montana State University

The goal of the Space After School (SAS) project is to develop and deliver a high-quality after-school science program to 350 middle school students across Montana. The project will offer six different programs, each program to be delivered concurrently in Bozeman and five additional METNET two-way video teleconferencing sites across Montana, during the 99/00 school year. Each program will be built around a space-related topic, and will consist of exploratory science activities conducted at students' schools, followed by a 90-minute virtual field trip, via interactive video, to a NASA field center. The virtual field trips will be coordinated by the MSU Burns Telecommunication Center, and the hands-on activities will be developed specifically for this project by the MSU Physics Education Research Group. Classroom resources from the Yohkoh Public Outreach Project (YPOP) and the Center for Educational Resources (CERES), developed at MSU through NASA funding, will be incorporated into the activities. The SAS project will maintain a METNET discussion conference for participating teachers, students, and resource scientists, for the duration of the project.

Contact Information

Department of Physics
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
Phone: (406) 994-3614
FAX: (406) 994-4452

Montana Space Grant Home
Updated June 19, 2006