Tunable Micro-Elements for Millimeter-Wave and Submillimeter-Wave Systems

PI: James P. Becker, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montana State University

Novel, electronically actuated micro-components for application at millimeter-wave and submillimeter-wave frequencies will be designed.  An assessment will be made as to the predicted electrical performance of such components as well as their potential for fabrication within existing bulk and surface micromachining processes.  Key components to be considered include a waveguide-based variable attenuator and an end-launch planar transmission line-to-micromachined waveguide transition.  Such components find application, for example, in high-frequency power sources and power combiners and in systems suitable for measuring high-frequency devices.

Model validation will be carried out at microwave frequencies (to 20 GHz) on conventionally machined versions.  Based on the results of this microwave modeling, and an evaluation of current micromachining protocols, design recommendations will be made for implementation of promising architectures at millimeter-wave and submillimeter-wave frequencies within a microfabrication framework.  Fully realizing frequency-scaled micromachined versions is to be the subject of follow-on work, an effort that will be facilitated through a collaboration with colleagues at the microfabrication facility at the University of Michigan.

Contact Information

Mail: James Becker
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
E-mail: James Becker
Phone: (406) 994-5988
FAX: (406) 994-5958

Montana Space Grant Home
Updated June 20, 2006