Automatic Attribute-Oriented Fuzzy Induction to Mine Very Large Databases

PI: Dr. Rafal A. Angryk, Department of Computer Science, Montana State University


Managing the terabytes of scientific data gathered by multiple research activities is one of the greatest challenges of the current decade.Despite the significant amount of computational power that all NASA Centers currently have, space-efficient storage of massive information gathered by spacecrafts during their missions, as well as time- and bandwidth- efficient transfer, and then processing, of these resources remain a significant issue.We propose to develop a mechanism that will make extraction of knowledge from large datasets cheaper and more effective than currently available solutions.

In our research we plan to analyze the application of Fuzzy Concept Hierarchies to reduce large data sets by gradual generalization of original database records, and to provide data analysts with multi-level views of the analyzed data.Our investigation is based on a popular data mining technique called Attribute-Oriented Induction (AOI), which utilizes background knowledge, represented in the form of the trees of abstract descriptors, to generalize the original information.

We plan to extend the original process of induction with complete fuzzy generalization models to more accurately model real-life dependencies among generalized data.We want to investigate how the consistent Fuzzy Concept Hierarchies (FCH) can be automatically created from different types of pre-specified or well-known relations or distance measures for the analyzed domains.This is to provide routine induction mechanisms, which would allow analysts to perform the Attribute-Oriented Induction without needing to possess expert knowledge.The goal of this research is to create a scalable, consistent, and accurate information reporting mechanism that allows data analysts to transfer the massive datasets, originally stored in a database, to the resolution (abstraction) needed.

Contact Information

Mail: Dr. Rafal A. Angryk
Department of Computer Science
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717
Phone: (406) 994-4440
FAX: (406) 994-4376

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Updated June 19, 2006