Each year, Montana Space Grant Consortium offers graduate fellowships of $11,000 (or matches a student's current award) plus in-state tuition up to six credits for one semester. (Montana State University students will receive a one-semester full tuition waiver for in-state or out-of-state tuition, thanks to the support of the Graduate School).

Applications open the third week in January and are due on April 1stfor the following academic year.

Requirements and Information

  • Awards are made on a competitive basis to graduate students working on research projects in fields of study relevant to NASA's mission (see below). Students interested in a competitive application should highlight how their project is related to a NASA areas of interest
  • Awardees must be U.S. citizens enrolled as full-time students at a Montana Space Grant Consortium campus.
  • As part of their award, awardees are required to complete a final report and give an oral presentation (please fill out this Submittable formto allow MSGC staff the opportunity to attend your presentation).
  • Graduate fellowship awards are for one semester per academic year but are renewable yearly on a competitive basis (new application required).


Application Materials

  • Online application form through Submittable
  • 1 Letters of Recommendation
  • Personal Statement
  • Resume
  • Unofficial Graduate School Transcript

Online Fellowship Application Form  (graduate students) 


Writing Resources

 For more information contact the Montana Space Grant Consortium office

Previous Fellowship and Scholarship Award Recipients.



Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) SMD’s Graduate Student Research Proposals 


FINESST solicits proposals from accredited U.S. universities and other eligible organizations for graduate student-designed and performed research projects that contribute to Science Mission Directorate’s (SMD) science, technology, and exploration goals.

The graduate student shall have the primary initiative to define the proposed FINESST research project and must be the primary author, with input or supervision from the proposal's Principal Investigator (PI) or mentor, as appropriate.

The proposal must present a well-defined research problem/activity and a justification of its scientific significance to NASA. FINESST awards are research grants for up to three years and up to $50K per year.

2025 Application Information: 

Proposals are due February 5, 2025.

An optional, pre-proposal teleconference will occur on December 6, 2024, 3:00 PM Eastern Time, see Section 12.11 for connect information. 

NASA Earth Science will hold FINESST office hours December 17, 2024, 1-2 PM Eastern Time and January 22, 2025, 1-2 PM Eastern Time. Joining using the Teams Link given in Section 1.2.

Questions concerning F.5 FINESST may be directed to HQ-FINESST@mail.nasa.gov.