
Student Project Title Institution
Katherine Chamberlain Constraints on Modified Gravity with eLISA MSU - Bozeman
Trevor Gahl Construct a Stratospheric Particle Collection Device for High Altitude Balloons MSU - Bozeman
Jared Kamp Payload spin reduction MSU - Bozeman
Micaela Moreni Test and Development of a Zero Pressure Helium Release Valve MSU - Bozeman
Shauna Muns Development of UV sensors for High Altitude Balloons Missoula College
John Ryter Novel nanostructured MAX phase coatings for extreme aerospace applications MSU - Bozeman
Matthew Thomas Development of Remote System to Measure Infiltration Rates in Soils. University of Montana
MiKalley Williams Biosurfactants: Growth and Applications in Polar Regions and Space Frontiers MSU - Bozeman


Student Project Title Institution
Joseph Bretz   Understanding Magnetar Quasi-periodic Oscillations MSU - Bozeman 
 Colin Delaney  Validation of a Heat Sink Design for a Radiation Tolerant Computer (RTC)  MSU - Bozeman
 Reed Hovenkotter  Improved Balloon Tracking Prediction Program Using the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) Model.  University of Montana
 Matt Johnson  Creating Radiation Environment Models and Packaging and Analyzing ITSPINS  MSU - Bozeman
 Nevin Leh  Automation of Satellite Down-Linking Process  MSU - Bozeman
 Micaela Moreni  Development of a Helium Release Valve for Zero Pressure Balloons  MSU - Bozeman
 Hannah Mohr  Assembly and Testing of FIREBIRD CubeSat.  MSU - Bozeman
 John Ryter  Novel nanostructured ceramic coatings for extreme aerospace applications  MSU - Bozeman
 David Schwehr  Electronically Aimed Camera  MSU - Bozeman
 Tylor Stewart  Thermal Regulation of the CubeSAT  MSU - Bozeman
 Skylar Tamke  Antenna tracker for high altitude balloon flights  MSU - Bozeman
 Dylan Trafford  Development and Testing of an Eclipse Real-Time Video Payload  MSU - Bozeman
 Daniel Wilkerson  Forecasting Internal Atmospheric Gravity Waves.  University of Montana



Student Project Title Institution
Timothy Basta Development of a high altitude balloon solid payload descent vehicle that does not require a parachute MSU - Bozeman
Angelita Bearquiver The Sediment Transplant Experiment MSU - Billings
Trevor Clark Further Development of Systems to Wirelessly Transmit Images MSU - Bozeman
Reed Hovenkotter Improved Balloon Tracking Prediction Program Using the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) Model. University of Montana
Matthew Handley Operation and maintenance of the satellite ground station at SSEL, for FIREBIRD, PrintSat, and HRBE CubeSat missions MSU - Bozeman
Victoria Kong Developing Combinatorial Techniques to Reproducibly Synthesize Metal Oxide Semiconductor Thin Films for the Efficient Photoelectrolysis of Water Carroll College
Scott Miller Use of an Iridium satellite modem for sending pictures from high-altitude weather balloons and development of a computer controlled two-axis antenna or telescope aiming system. MSU - Bozeman
Patrick Moholt Development of International Space Station, ISS, stack for the RTcMISS or Artemis mission. MSU - Bozeman
Hannah Mohr FIREBIRD Assembly, Testing, Fabrication and Ground Operation MSU - Bozeman
Noel Stewart Visualizations of diverse satellite images for comparisons of environmental conditions. Salish Kootenai College
Eric Wall Evolution of the parasitic bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus, in a multi-host system: A model for the origin of mitochondria University of Montana
Tyler Stewart Fundamental investigation of Al, Cr, and Si coatings on nickel-based super alloys in Low Temperature Hot Corrosion MSU - Bozeman